// IT'S HERE!!

"She has a New York City address, a Toronto heart, and an impeccable skill for creating beautiful hand- painted artwork" - Roots.com <-- maybe one of the nicest things I have read. 

Oh man, it's here! The Roots team - Production: Amanda Rotstein @amandarostein, Stylist: Travis Davis, makeup artist: Sandra, Judy Inc, and Photographer: Tobias Wang @visualbass did such an incredible job. Honestly, never would I have thought this time last year [while still teaching myself how to paint a rose via YouTube] that I would be working with such an incredible company. I mean ROOTS! I've been wearing their track pants since I was a kid [not to mention the BEST dance gear in the world, amiright dancers?]. It really is an incredible feeling to see my work presented in this way. What an honor.

Thanks Roots :) X -C